​​​​​​​Website & shop where coffee enthusiasts can buy all that is needed, to brew a good cup of coffee. 
Website & webshop for coffee lovers
Customer: Inhouse at Bentax in collaboration with Combine
Year: 2023

Role: Concept, UI, UX, Photography

Software used
Struct PIM

Adobe CC
Redesigning a webshop
Homebarista was previously a shopify site, that needed a facelift when it was moved to an Umbraco platform.
The goal of the new Homebarista.dk is to create a universe of inspiration and offer the most popular coffee brewing equipment, making it easy to brew coffee at home. 
Time management
Many processes was involved and time was a factor, for launching the site in time. Thus it was of high importance, to manage time effectively.
Designing the site in Figma
At first the requirements were stated and the features developed in Figma. 
Then developers created the elements in Umbraco.
Design System
Fonts, colors and imagery was chosen to express quality and hygge and to feel approachable. 
The aim is to target the quality consious coffee customer, focusing on quality coffee and equipment, for the weekend mornings or to serve to guests.
Product Photography
All imagery for the site, eg. recipes were shot in the same nordic, simple yet high end style. The setup was simple, yet effective.

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