University project at AAU
Year: 2019
Researcher & Designer: Ditte Jørgensen

Research & Analysis
Digital concept
Mobile interface design
A Design Thinking Process
This app concept motivates library users to read more through gamification elements, social community, digital books and recommender systems.
Through the project, design thinking has been the driving method. 

In Denmark, book lends from the libraries are decreasing, still a large amount of citizens would like to read. In this case, it was uncovered what underlying issues keep people from reading as well as what motivates them to read literature, in order to create a solution that will support better reading experiences.
Users generated ideas based on the topic “what you do when you relax” through a “Crazy 8’s session” and brainstorming. The results were later sorted into affinity diagrams for analysis.
Method: Design Thinking
Design thinking is an approach toward learning that encompasses active problem solving by engaging with, and changing, the world.
The process of this case was highly user centered. Users were involved several times during all stages. For empathizing and defining the problem, I went to observe behaviour and environment in libraries and I interviewed both librarians and users, including the 5 why’s - a method for uncovering underlying issues.
For ideation, users contributed in a workshop, generating ideas through brainstorming and the method crazy 8’s.
At a later stage, they gave feedback on paper prototypes, leading to a digital prototype.
To improve reading habits, also theory about how to gain new habits were included.

Based on the user inputs on how to gain better reading habits, the outcome is a mobile app, consisting of four main themes: social network, recommendations, personal profile and chapter of the day.
These four factors would contribute to a community feeling, sharing reading experiences and recommendations with friends and family.

Also, it helps the user to keep track of their reading statistics, discovering interesting titles and saving it for later as well as lending and reading directly in the app.
The section Chapter of the day, allows the user to set a goal of reading a certain section of a book of their own choice in order to build up a habit of reading frequently.

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