During the Covid-19 pandemic, test centres have played a big role in the reopening of Denmark. From working in the test centre, I experienced how the increasing demand of test capacity required better workflows and how the IT-system seemed inadequate.

 The demands to test centres has been ever changing and as a result, improvements were continuous. I created this concept concurrently, implementing changes in an iterative manner where we reacted to what worked well and what didn’t.  
Usability Issue Findings
& Process Optimization
The idea of creating an improved system, started by discovering usability issues within the IT-system we used as well as the processes we used. Also, I evaluated the behaviour of the citizens that needed a test and how we could affect it. 
We carried out changes and evaluated what made a difference and what didn't. Based on that, we continually adjusted.

User Journeys
To visualise and optimise the proces, the current user journey was mapped. Then the considerations regarding usability issues and process optimization was taken into account in the creation of a new storyboard. The results can be seen below.

Storyboard: Previous Scenario
Storyboard: New Scenario
Based on the storyboards, I discovered what functions was needed to support the new process. I also kept in mind that the target group is very broad, so it was a priority that it should be easy to use as well as supporting different languages.
Digital prototype
Based on the wireframes, a digital prototype was created in order to visualise the UI and usage of the system. 
Patient side
Employee side
List of all registered patients. The employee enters the info of the first on the list in order to test him.
List of all registered patients. The employee enters the info of the first on the list in order to test him.
Search function
Search function
This page will be shown when the person is tested. It can always be entered later on.
This page will be shown when the person is tested. It can always be entered later on.
When reading several tests, this function provides quick access to the tests.
When reading several tests, this function provides quick access to the tests.
The test result can quickly be registered.
The test result can quickly be registered.
Various statistics on the covid situation in general as well as of the specific test centre.
Various statistics on the covid situation in general as well as of the specific test centre.
We implemented some of the processes in the daily work and these created large savings of time and minimised the risk of making mistakes.

The implementation of a dedicated table for all the tests meant that more time was released to focus on the testing. It also meant that the risk of them getting mixed up was drastically reduced, as they were not combined with a paper.
The fact that a SMS-service was established, meant that people did not have to wait after the test, minimising the risk of getting infected by others as well as allowed them to move on with their day.

A better division of labor meant fewer mistakes, as each person's responsibility was limited and clear.

Also, the hygiene was improved as less papers were involved and employees were in touch with fewer tasks.

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