Customer: Swatch
Agency: Deepblue Networks
Year: 2015
Research, concept & design: Guan Wei Tan, Betty Davidova, Anna Yu, Dennis Os, Ray Jang, Madalena Bernasconi, Vasilisa Karelova, Ditte Jørgensen

Digital concept
Digital campaign
Social media activation
Outdoor activation
We created a digital campaign for Swatch valentines edition. This included digital activation, social media marketing and a lot more.
Swatch wanted to create digital awareness about their upcoming valentines watch. The campaign was targeted toward all potential swatch users in larger cities around the world, looking for an inexpensive, contemporary watch for valentines - for themselves or as a gift.
During the process of creating the campaign, we investigated topics related to valentines day, and topics completely unrelated to valentines day. We investigated current digital trends and results from different digital campaigns. We did, among others, create mood boards, brainstorming, personas and scenarios.
Generating ideas: we researched different themes, named them and went in different directions. Some were combined, some were discarded and in the end, we had a few strong concept ideas.
Mood board: what weird things do we do when we are alone? Fart or sing in the shower? Let’s celebrate that!
Celebrate yourself! Because Valentine’s Day does not limit itself to couples. It should be for all people, to just celebrate ourselves and the weird things that we do.
The concept encouraged people to take part of the #celebrateyourself campaign on social media and also involved a #dubswatch photo booth where people could take pictures and record a song and share it to the campaign.
Outdoor and social media was used to show silly movies and create awareness about the watch.
As a part of the digital activation, we created the DubSwatch photo booth. 
It is inspired by the traditional passport photo booths where people can take silly pictures together.
Here, people can record videos of themselves within different categories and share it on the #dubswatch microsite.

Outdoor Activation
Tweet to watch: By tweeting and using a specific hashtag, people can activate the boards and it starts a funny video. While waiting for the bus, this can entertain people and create brand awareness.
Microsite & Social Media
As the campaign was global, we investigated what social media platforms would be most efficient. We therefore launched the campaign on Twitter, 
Vimeo, Instagram, Youtube and Facebook.

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